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Mon-Thu 9:00am-5:30pm Fri 8:30am-5:00pm

Best Practice

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Best Practice

As of July, 31st 2023 a new Consumer Duty directive from the FCA has been in initiation. This comes in further pursuance of their ambition for the automotive industry to treat customers fairly. The objective of the proposal in summary...

Car sales is a very different game to what it was even as recently as a couple of years ago. Customers have so many methods of buying a car nowadays and the information they need is at their fingertips. This...

The areas of the business outside of the sales department are not usually seen as sales opportunities. The individuals we attract to these departments tend towards the technical rather than the commercial. The prevalent considerations tend towards logistics, time management...
Car dealership sales events can be extremely successful if they are planned, timed and executed properly and are supported with the correct marketing. The successful sales event will drive attendance by convincing customers that this event is an opportunity for...
Highly satisfied customers are undoubtedly the biggest driver of customer retention and recommendation. So, if long term profitability and growth is to be achieved, it is vital to ensure that your customers receive a fantastic experience during their vehicle purchase,...