01325 648 661
Mon-Thu 9:00am-5:30pm Fri 8:30am-5:00pm

Leadership Training

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Leadership Training

The MotorVise Automotive Dealer Leadership Training Programme

Our automotive leadership training programme offers ideal courses for automotive general managers and dealer principals.


Developing the skills, knowledge and capabilities of automotive managers. Download course overviews below.

– Leadership Excellence (DOWNLOAD)
– Finance for Non-Finance Managers (DOWNLOAD)
– Managing Performance Improvement (DOWNLOAD)
– Time Management (DOWNLOAD)


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Why choose us

Our team have an extensive range of skills gained from within and outside the motor industry. As such we are confident in our ability to deliver a first-class service to the dealerships & manufacturers we work with.

  • Extensive industry management experience & delivering dealership training.
  • Workshop course format with a high degree of delegate interaction.
  • Course workbook & toolkits to use in the dealership.
  • 347 combined years’ experience within motor industry.
  • Extensive experience working at dealer management and manufacturer level.
  • We understand how to sell cars!
  • Passionate about providing solutions to improve the business performance and bottom line of automotive dealerships.
  • Experienced in broad spectrum of disciplines incl. event management, call centre management, creative & print fulfilment, digital marketing, training and systems development.